The adaptation process of your new dental prostheses should be an exciting stage and your dentist will support you and answer all questions that may arise. Here we will guide you through the extraction, printing and adaptation process.

The Process Of Teething

Before making the molds, your dentist will need to assess the condition of your mouth to choose the most appropriate treatment plan for you. Your dentist will tell you if any teeth need to be extracted before the denture is set. If so, you will have to wait a while for the gums to heal, which depends on the number of teeth removed. If your remaining teeth have been extracted, you may have the option of using dentures immediately. If you are going to wear an immediate prosthesis, you can wear it while the gums heal, but when the gums heal, the prosthesis may need to be realigned to fit better. Taking Dental Measurements To make sure that your denture fits perfectly, your dentist will need to take measurements and measurements of your mouth. In order to make more precise adjustments, it may be necessary to take several measurements, based on these data, the dental technician will prepare your new prosthesis. Selection of New Tooth Parts You probably want your denture to look like your natural teeth, so it’s a good idea to bring an old photo to show your dentist. They will be able to decide on the color, shape and shade of dentures, pedestals and tooth fragments together. So they will be sure that they are the best option for you. Adaptation Stage After your measurements are taken and the color and shape are defined, your prosthesis is made and you can perform your first posture. You will be able to try on your new prosthesis and see how it looks, sits and feels. Tell your dentist if he is comfortable and sleeping well so that you can make the necessary adjustments.

Go to Regular Reviews

When you have a new prosthesis, it is important to go to regular check-ups with your dentist so that you can talk about any problems or discomfort you are experiencing. They will be able to help you and advise you. It can take several months to get dentures done from start to finish, so talk to your dentist if you have any concerns. It is important that you take care of your dentures just like your natural teeth. You can do this by establishing a careful cleaning routine and storing your denture properly when not in use. Taking care of your prosthesis will help it last longer and allow you to continue to enjoy life.

New materials for dental prosthetics.

One of the most common questions we face when a person comes to have a dental prostheses at Stomer is whether the material we will use fits perfectly in the mouth and whether it will be very visible. It is normal for a person to feel a strangeness towards having dentures in his mouth, especially for a fixed prosthesis, and to have doubts about how this will integrate into his daily life. As Stomer, we want you to feel comfortable with your new prosthesis and therefore we explain what materials it can be made of. First of all, it is necessary to separate the implant from the prosthesis. The implant is the part that sticks to the bone and is made of titanium for more support. A prosthesis or visible part that resembles the appearance of a real tooth, made with porcelain, composite or zirconium. Composite is the cheapest and most tooth-like material . It is often used to repair gaps, but it is not as strong as other materials and can easily show signs of wear. Porcelain is more expensive , but it can be used to make full dentures and perfectly matches the color of your natural tooth, it can be carved and go completely unnoticed. Finally, zirconium is the most durable material, but at the same time the most expensive. It is completely biocompatible and non-conductive, therefore reducing the sensitivity to heat and cold that other prostheses produce, as well as the metallic taste associated with titanium implants. Each of these ingredients has its advantages and disadvantages, but our experts can help you choose the option that best suits your mouth and your circumstances.

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