Composite filling is the material that the dentist uses to fill the cavity after the caries has been removed. Amalgam is silver in color and is a mixture of metals such as mercury, silver, tin and copper. Composite fillings are white or tooth-colored and are made of a type of plastic. The color of the compound can be customized to match the color of the teeth. Thanks to technological advances, dentists and patients now have several options for choosing materials for filling cavities. Options include natural tooth-colored materials, such as resin-based composite fillings, and more traditional dental fillings, such as those made from metal amalgam. The emergence of new materials for fillings has been particularly aesthetically beneficial, but this does not negate the importance of traditional dental materials, which are stronger, more durable and cheaper. These materials are best in cases where the restored teeth need to withstand excessive forces from the bite, such as the back of the mouth. What is dental amalgam? Most people recognize amalgam fillings as silver fillings. Dental amalgam is a mixture of mercury, silver, tin and copper. Mercury, which makes up about 50% of the compound, is needed to bind metals together and provide a strong, hard, long-lasting filler. After years of research, mercury remains the only element capable of binding these metals together in a way that can be easily manipulated to fill in the gaps. Dentists generally prefer amalgam because it is easier to manipulate than other alternatives. Many dentists find amalgam stronger than resin-based composite fillings and therefore use amalgam for fillings on the back teeth. Many patients prefer amalgam for the same reasons, as well as for its cost-effectiveness and the ability to fill gaps quickly. It is estimated that more than one billion amalgam fillings are performed every year.

What are resin-based composite fillings?

Resin-based composite fillers are made from ceramic and plastic composites. Since resins mimic the appearance of natural teeth, these fillings have been used on the front teeth for many years. However, when they first appeared, resin composites were not strong enough for use on the back teeth, where high-pressure chewing and crushing required greater durability. Over the past 10 years, technology has developed sufficiently to allow the use of resin materials on posterior teeth. Still, many dental plans, including Dentegra, do not cover resin fillings on teeth that are not visible when smiling, and many dentists choose not to use resin for one or more of the following reasons: Since most material is available for only ten years of durable resin, resins, chewing and grinding cause excessive wear of the teeth that could not stand against time; on the contrary, a good way is documented in the durability of the amalgam fillings: amalgam fillings have a life expectancy of 8 to 10 years, but most of 20 years or more. Amalgam is one of the best filling materials when dentists need to place it in areas of the mouth that are difficult to keep dry, such as molars (back teeth) or cavities below the gum line. Resin fillings should be placed in a specific environment; for example, the prepared tooth should be completely dried when the resin material is applied and hardened. Clinical experience has consistently shown that amalgam is still the most reliable filling material for long-term, low-maintenance function for many reasons. Resin is more expensive than amalgam, which can make the cost of the service higher than a comparable amalgam filling service. For these reasons, most dental health insurance companies pay coverage for resin fillings on the teeth that appear when the patient smiles. For example, almost all Dentegra plans cover resin fillings on teeth where the cosmetic benefit is critical: the front six teeth (incisors and cusps) and the facial surfaces of the lower two teeth (cheek side).

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